AGENDA – Innovation & IP Forum and Awards – January 23, 2018 in Paris
Publié le lundi 30 octobre 2017En tant que partenaire de l’évènement, l’IEEPI vous fait gagner 5 invitations* pour participer gratuitement à l’évènement qui comprend :
- Une journée de conférence
- Un accès aux cérémonies de remise de trophées
- Des One-to-One Meetings (networking)
Merci de remplir le formulaire de contact ci-dessous en précisant vos coordonnées complètes et en précisant dans le message : JEU INIFA2018. 5 gagnants seront tirés au sort, nous reprendrons contact avec eux directement par mail. Bonne chance !
* Il est possible de participer jusqu’au 10/11/2017. Les frais de déplacement et d’hébergement restent à la charge du participant.
The Innovation & IP Forum and Awards is a unique one-day event dedicated to challenges and opportunities worldwide in patent, trademark, IT, data protection, IP litigation and other related rights.
The aim is to create a lively dialogue between 400+ international key players of the innovation world: IP Directors, Chief Digital Officers, General Counsel, Directors of R&D and Chief data protection officers to discuss about the future of IP.
Program of the day: January 23, 2018 (Paris)
- 9.00 to 5.00pm: Panel discussions on Innovation and IP matters (50 min)
- 12.30 to 2.30pm: Networking seated lunch with the IP Department Awards
- 2.30 to 5.00pm: One-to-One meetings (30min slot)
- 5.00 to 7.30pm: Cocktail reception with the IP Advisors Awards
As an IEEPI member, you can benefit from a special discount of 700€ instead of 1200€ => Promo code : PARTNER2018
One-to-One Meetings
- Enhance your international referral network and build new alliances.
- Pre-schedule meetings with those who matter most to you.
- Meet your peers from around the world.
Awards ceremonies
- A seated business lunch will be followed by a ceremony, awarding the best IP directors and IP agents in Europe.
- 40 high-profile jury members will elect the best players in more than 15 categories.
- 400 attendees, opportunities to meet the best players and share views on the IP future.
Conferences – Expert Insights
- Attend the conferences and debate the latest IP trends with key leaders.
- 60 international experts share their experience and insights on three main tracks running simultaneously.
- Track I: Patent
- Track II: Trademark
- Track III: IT / Licensing
Register now on:
For any question, please contact Justine Testard: